Apparel - 2017 Team NorCal Jersey
PURPOSE: Create a graphic for this years Team NorCal Jersey
APPLICATION: T-Shirts/Singlets
Each year, for the past five years, I have been tasked with creating graphics for the individual athletes and team members that NC FIT sends to the annual California CrossFit Games Regional Qualifier.
Each year I try to create a fresh, new graphic, while still incorporating elements and similarities to the previous years' designs for consistency. As has become standard practice with these jerseys, the sleeves are emblazoned with the teams' sponsor logos, Progenex and Reebok.
For this years design, I was inspired by military themes and insignias. The chevron elements at the top of the design are a reference to the consecutive years that we have sent a team to the Regional Qualifiers. The "California. USA." and "Golden State Strong" texts were inspired by the various descriptive markings located on military ammo crates, vehicles, supply crates, etc.